It's something very important to all of us. From impressing someone special, to wanting to be macho of the class, we all want to be one of a kind. A good personality speaks volumes. Some tips on advancing your personality is just below 

1. Confidence is all you need.

At any time, it's important that you believe in yourself. From a handshake to answering a question, do it with confidence. You might go wrong sometimes, but it's fine. That way you learn. Its important to be bold and back yourself up.

2. Body Language!

You might talk a lot or not at all but you've been gifted with a body that talks more than your tongue. Your eyes, your hands, the way you stand and carry yourself, and even a simple smile makes huge difference. Always remember to have eye contact with the person you're talking to and feel free to use your hands too. Remember to maintain straight posture while sitting and standing too so that when you're old you don't regret it! 

3. Respect.

Learn to respect people around you. Be nice, be polite even with the people who don't expect it from you, and learn to respect their jobs too. All work, every job is important, you can never imagine your life without them. Be a gentleman/woman and you will only receive more love and respect. Please mind the words you use. Talk good, talk classy. A true gentleman is admired wherever he goes.

4. Be the topic Master.

If you want to teach something to someone, or talk about something, make sure you have proper knowledge about it. Keep updating your information and be aware of the things going around you. Read newspapers, meet new people and use social media for some good. Cultivate hobbies that help your mental health and reduce anxiety. When you have free time instead of wasting it, learn new skills engage your self, Just do what you love.

5. Have your own style.

We all look up to some person for inspiration. But remember to have your own opinions and don't follow others' blindly. Try to be the person whom people enjoy being around. It's not important to impress everyone but it's important to be yourself without disrespecting others. And learn to say ‘NO’ when you're not comfortable with doing something and don't want to do something. Be bold enough to disagree with someone, if you can't help someone at that moment or if you think they are using you then please say No, or even if you feel that the other person is wrong just say No.

6. Stop judging People.

Remember not to judge people even in your mind. Don't judge people based on their looks, style, or beauty because it's all vain and it fades one day. If you don't want to ask, don't assume.

And most importantly spread love, spread positively because life is beautifully simple.

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