Ever felt overwhelmed with self doubts? 
Why am I writing?
Does it matter? 
Nobody is going to read me. I'm not good
with words. Writing is not my thing. Slowly and steadily the self doubt bug eats up all the remaining syllables for dinner and you end up with a void no words can fill. 
Sounds familiar, right?
I find myself in this phase every few months. Life happens and if I don't schedule writing into my routine, I go without writing for weeks at a stretch voluntarily. Inevitably, the words turn their backs on me, and I end up two steps behind where I started. 
So how do we fight this lethargy and pointlessness?
It all begins with a shift in attitude. We never know how one small sentence of ours can be the catalyst that sets the wheels in motion in someone's life. 
Why not simply write to discover what we know, as well as what we don't know?
Fame and popularity may not be the reason we write, but can we deny its therapeutic effects?
Once we have cultivated the right mindset, we can now work on the system to enable ourselves to stay consistent. Here a few pointers that may be of help.

- Keep a diary/app to instantly make a note of ideas that flash in your minds.

– Take up accountability projects that forces you to maintain streaks of writing/posting articles. Add in a reward for yourself at the end of it to keep it competitive and interesting. Do you think I would have learnt and shared
all these cookies, if it weren't for such projects?

- Schedule writing in your routine. And even when you can't think of anything to write, simply show up with your tools of choice. Look into your idea drafts and find something to
work on. If that doesn't help. you will find lot of cues over the internet, including our in house Mirakee prompts. If prompts don't work for you. you can try the stringing words
challenge. Randomly pick 3 words out of a book and find a way to string them into a piece. Observe your immediate surroundings and hunt for cues. And if nothing works this
one always does, Introspect.
– Do not let perfection deter you.Embrace your flaws.Make mistakes and learn from them. Keep ng expectations and writing won't disappoint you. The reach and popularity
of a post is no indicator for the quality of content. There is no short cut to this step except motoring on through the muck.

- Find a support group.

Writing is often very lonely. Our words don't always find eyes. There is no validation to keep us going. But keep pushing through this dip. for at the other end of it. lies that glorious reward of resonating with a reader at the
far end of the world. Feel proud that you're creating something. flawed but griginal, and when done right, this little arrangement of syllables is empowering enough to
permanently change the trajectory of another life other than your own. Someday we'll get there. Until then, write because you deserve to know who you are. Write. because the world deserves to hear you.
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