Narendra Modi-One man who changed the course of history
Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India, has changed the course of history not just for India but for the world. As mankind descends into the depths of utilitarianism to such an extent that relations, traditions and humanism itself ceases to matter, the world was looking for leaders who dare to buck the trend and rise above greed and self-enrichment to work for the people and set a good example. Narendra Modi may, or may not be all of that but is certainly most of that.
How many leaders do you know who served two terms as PM of India but had no property of his own to speak of? How many can you name who actually pays for his meals with his own money? Modi possesses no car of his own, no servants to oversee his personal comforts and has an ageing mother living in a middle class one BHK flat. It is a fact that his immense popularity as PM among the people despite the country suffering a colossal pandemic and giving people many reasons to blame his leadership is precisely due to his personal frugal lifestyle which is bereft of greed and his incorruptible nature.
Of course, no commentary on Modi can be complete without the Hindutva factor fitted in. So let us fit it in. Narendra Modi is a RSS pracharak and it is this training that is at the root of his lifestyle. Simple living, working for the people namelessly and selflessly and loving the country is the hallmark of RSS. Realpolitics is known and seen to be the opposite of all that so the paradox is personified by Narendra Modi.
For panderers to the Muslim vote- for whom going against the country or even selling out the country is acceptable but losing the Muslim vote is not - Modi is a roadblock they need to remove and remove fast. The Hindu was easy meat before Modi stepped in (and Yogi too, of course) - abuse their gods, badmouth lord Ram, prevent the temple from being built at all cost and allow the Islamist extremist sentiment a place in the country’s mainstream narrative at their cost. This was mantra of the ruling clique comprising the Congress/Left and state satraps like the Laloos and Mulayams. So land was acquired at will by them, money amassed through scams and corruption and not just them but their kith and kin and also their chamchas and Bhad##s fattened all the way to the bank until 2014.
With the Hindus gaining new respect and the Islamist/Jehadi types getting marginalized gradually under Modi and the BJP, the divided Hindu found an unusual new glue that held just enough to ensure the neutralizing of the Muslim vote and the catapulting of Narendra Modi’s BJP to a second term full majority central government in 2019. This hastened the crumbling of the Left, the Congress, the Lalus and Mulayams like never before and put the fear of prosecution and jail time in their heads in addition to confiscation of property and filing of criminal cases for much of their wrongdoings when they were in power, something that is happening even as I write.
The opposition is trying every trick from fake videos, half truths, malicious propaganda to unscrupulous coalitions to oust Modi but in vain. Modi is a personification of the principle that truth and honesty is the best policy. It may hurt for a while but in the end it will prevail.
The world today stands in awe of Narendra Modi and India has earned new respect. Almost all major powers salute this great leader and listen carefully to what he has to say on international fora. Yoga has earned global recognition due to him and the kind of reception he gets in foreign functions by the Indian diaspora and the international people alike, is unmatched by any other leader from any country in the world. He lead the climate change conversation in the global level and the world followed his lead in cutting pollution long before Corona hit and when India needed help fighting the virus, the global response was overwhelming. Small and big countries came forward with help without even being approached. This was the magnetism and charisma of Narendra Modi. India is lucky to have Modi at the helm in place of selfish and greedy manipulative vultures of the Congress/left variety we had become so used to. Savour this moment while it lasts.
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