Berries🍒 are one of the healthiest food we can eat. They are flavorful and provide many health benefits to our body. Berries contain a lot of antioxidants such as ellagic acid, anthocyanins and resveratrol. It also helps in controlling blood sugar levels and insulin response. In addition to this, berries are high in fiber and provide many nutrients to the body. Several berries help in protection against cancer.
In this article, I have explained about few berries please have a look 😊
• Acaiberries - Acai Berries are high in antioxidants and stimulate healthy digestion. These berries also work as skin and energy booster.
• Blueberries - Blueberries are generally sold fresh or frozen. Blueberries contain 14% carbohydrates, 0.7% proteins, 0.3% fat, and 84% water. These are rich in antioxidants and promotes eye health. Blueberries are rich in vitamin C and B6. There are many health benefits of consuming these berries. These aids in reducing belly fat.
• Raspberries - Raspberries are grown for the fresh fruit market. Raw raspberries contain 86% water, 12% carbohydrates, and 1% of protein and fat. In 100 gm of raspberries, there are 53 calories and 6.5gm of dietary water. There are several health benefits to raspberries. These are anti-ageing and promote weight loss. The antioxidants present in raspberries stops the growth of skin in tumour cells. These are also good for bone health.
• Cranberries - Cranberries can be consumed in the form of sauce or juice. You can also add them to your salad, stuffings or desserts. Cranberries are high in fiber. It is a good source of vitamin C&K, magnesium and copper. Cranberries are anti-inflammatory thus helps in curing urinary tract infection. It helps in maintaining the vagina Ph level. If you have tooth decay you can have cranberries.
• Gooseberries - Gooseberries contains 10.18 g of carbohydrates, 4.3 g of dietary fiber, 0.58 g of fat, 0.88 g protein and 87.87 g water. Gooseberries are edible and can be eaten raw or with desserts. Fruit wines are also made up of gooseberries. There are many health benefits of gooseberries. It helps in digestion and reduces blood sugar level. It also improves eyesight. Gooseberries promote hair growth and boost the skin.
• Blackberries - Blackberries contains 43kcal of energy, 9.61 g of carbohydrates, 4.88 g of sugar, 5.3 g of dietary fiber, 0.49 g of fat, 1.39 g of protein. These are also rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Blackberries are known as the heart-protective fruit. These are anti-inflammatory and aids in healthy hair.
• Strawberries - Strawberries contain 33kcal of energy, 7.68 g of carbohydrates, 4.89 g of sugar, 2 g of dietary fiber, 0.3 g of fat, 0.67 g of protein and 90.85 g of water. These are rich in vitamins like Thiamine(B1), Riboflavin(B2), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, vitamin K and Folate. Strawberries aids in weight management, also help in maintaining healthy skin and good heart health. These are rich in antioxidants which helps in curing the body disease.
• Goji berries - 28 g of goji berries contains about 100 calories, 0 g fat, 3 g fiber, 13 g sugar, 4 g protein, 7510 IU vitamin A, and 12 milligrams of iron. Goji berries aids in boosting up the energy level and strengthens the immune system. Consuming goji berries regularly makes hair and skin healthier. These berries also aid in detoxifying the body.
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