Six Things to do when you lose motivation

In times such as these, especially with the quarantine hitting us hard this year, it's natural to feel a bit demoviated or directionless after having done months of hardwork. In my case, I was part of a team which was conducting research in the field of health sciences using Artificial Intelligence (AI). After a few months I was down and out and was completely saturated. These methods have been tried by me and I hope will definitely help you too!
1. Complete 'em chores!

I know, I sound like a parent, but this does hold true at the base of it. Consider washing the dishes; while doing so, it acts as its own form of de-stressing. Also, you feel like you've accomplished something that you can tick off yourself. These things may seem little but have a great compounding impact on your final mentality.

2. Exercise

Doing the same things daily tends to have it effects on the body too. You must treat your body with some awesome workout which frees your mind and your muscles. Again, the feeling of accomplishment in this case makes you healthy even mentally.

3. Spend time with family:

This idea hold true in a lot of scenarios, not only demotivation. Spending time with the people you love and adore have it's own positive effects. You get a fresh perspective. People who love you won't give you ill advice or something which will be ominous. You can trust them to some extent. And when it comes to people in the family who've had a lot of experience in your field, I would suggest have a closer listen. This method not only destresses you but also gives a feeling of satisfaction on a broader scale.

4. Go on vacations: (unadvisable during quarantine)

I must make myself clear here, all the travel experiences I've had, which is being expressed here is before the quarantine period. That being said, travelling opens your mind to different cultures not only in your country, but all across the globe. It opens you to different possibilities and paths that you never even knew. You'll get much more productive and more importantly, get in touch with yourself which is one of the first steps to regain your motivation.

5. Meet random people online (highly suggested during Quarantine):

The internet is a blessing in disguise when it comes to quarantine. We can see movies, TV, and do all the things that would've seemed impossible for us to accomplish from home a few years back. It provides with you with platforms to study online with random people all around the world who genuinely want to study. You can also interact with people there and it acts as an extension of my earlier point of spending time with family. You can open yourself to the possibility of interacting with anyone across the whole world. So don't restrict yourself only to your peers. Mooclab (link provided in comments) is one such forum that I've tried and has worked wonders for me.

6. Remember why you started:

The most important point, to remember why you started is essentially a result of all the points given above. They in some way or the other provide you with the true reason as to why you started whatever it is you were doing, because it brings you closer to yourself. This can go two ways though. It might result in you changing your goal altogether. But I can assure you it'll be better for you because you'll be listening to yourself this time. This always helps. Either that or you'll remember why you started off and your motivation will be right back with you!!

If you've made it so far please do share this article with whomever you feel is down and out. I hope it will help them. Please do give your feedback as well!

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