Seriousness is illness

From most of the quotes I have heard, this always remains my favourite. The quote has something that can lead to happy and positive life. Something that can make you to enjoy and embrace every moment of life. Everyone has his/her interpretation of any quote or saying. Let me put forward my learning from the same and also throw some light upon how I have applied it in different situation of my life.
What do we mean by seriousness? When we take everything not as easy it can, we are putting ourself into serious situation. Never interpret this seriousness as lack of discipline towards something. Discipline has no relationship with being serious. Here, seriousness had a different view. Each one of us know that the result of anything lies in the hand of god. What as a human we can do is put our effort to make things happen through our hard work and good intentions? Then what is the need of worrying about the consequences. Let’s consider life to be more fun and stop worrying about things that doesn’t lies in our hands. When we deal our bad situations with less seriousness, we can overcome it in better way. Start taking things lightly no matter how hard it can be on you. Doing this you’ll invite more power, happiness and way to handle them. 

Some people are so serious regarding everything, be it their career, family, marriage and many other. These people considered these things as life, instead of taking them as the part of life. The moto of life is not to be successful, seek materialistic thing or some other. The main moto is to seek happiness and off course these parts must be best to seek that. However, these parts must be done with more fun and lack of seriousness, and the result obtained will be more satisfying. 

So, from now onwards, take things easier, think less and smile more.

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