Ramdev versus the rest


Baba Ramdev was always respected and recognized as a leading yoga guru and had many followers and the same stands to this day. But for those whose memories are short, there was an interesting chronology of events that led to his entrepreneurial venture Patanjali.

Baba has two pet hates-one, the roaring business foreign medicine and FMCG companies do in India and two, the over reliance on allopathy as compared to naturopathy. It is a fact that the big bucks in medicine are cornered by allopathy as compared to parallel systems like homeopathy, ayurveda and other similar native medical practices that get to nibble at leftovers.

Fact is neither allopathy nor naturopathy can claim absolute command of all diseases. But it is also true that allopathy being the more lucrative stream, more money and resources are spent to promote it. So hospitals, pathology labs and even private practicing doctors make more money and so more youngsters choose allopathy as a career choice compared to others.

While it is true that parallel medicines spawn more quacks and half baked ‘doctors’ who prey on the gullible even now we see hoarders and adulterers who are doing the same in the allopathic stream.

Baba openly spoke of challenging foreign companies who take away our wealth by producing local products equal or better in quality and price terms and keeping India’s wealth within the country. This coming from a saffron clad yoga teacher was scoffed at and ridiculed by many in the media who just did not believe it. To Baba’s credit, Patanjali actually hit the high points and kicked the foreign companies in the groin and has assumed gargantuan proportions in the FMCG market.

Today, Patanjali has a market presence which is awesome and creditworthy.

Therefore, if Baba Ramdev bad mouths allopathic system and challenges it, he is known to be a man who puts his money where his mouth is. There are many arguments against Baba’s condemnation of the allopathic system of medicine, but there certainly are a few where Baba scores. But when a suited booted tie flaunting English speaking doctor debates against a bearded man in yellow robes and bare feet, the optics are obviously tilted heavily towards the former to begin with.

Baba Ramdev also has been a symbol of Hindu pride and his own solid sanatan foundation is a thorn in the side of the pseudo-secular anti Hindu cabal that represents the political opposition to Narendra Modi and the BJP. That is another front Baba has to deal with in this new nationwide allopathy v/s naturopathy debate.

The stage is set and you need to take sides.

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