Life is in a sense, a series of events that determine our responses. But the fact of the matter is that the same or similar event can trigger variance in response from individual to individual. Naturally, when Covid new wave has triggered a spate of tragic events across the country, those dying are triggering extreme responses among the near and dear they leave behind.

The more politically active or driven, respond with abusing the government or people in power who they see as the culprits. Why oxygen did not come? Why no beds available? Why is treatment not given in time? They have so many reasons to blame the system. They are genuine reasons and not just excuses. So that is one response on expected lines.

The dependents who have lost a bread earner are a set who may response with extreme measures. Some may commit suicide and others may wither away within by depression. The same goes for a lover who has lost a loved one. Depression is a mental syndrome which cannot be measured or calibrated. Hence while lakhs and crores may be in depression as we speak, we cannot put a definite number to them. Few will have the wisdom or foresight to seek counseling or medical help.

This makes depression a dangerous parallel death warrant for many at this moment and they themselves probably don’t even know it. So it is important that if anyone you know appears sad and inconsolable, make sure he or she is not left alone for long intervals. If they refuse to come out of the brooding in days or weeks, make sure they get counseling and medical help. In a sense, you are doing the same thing that Corona warriors are. That is, saving lives. Depression can be a slow poison. It does not strike in one single blow and there is no vaccine for it. It is asymptomatic in a sense, and it is extremely difficult to detect unless someone looks very closely for a sustained long time period. So while everybody has his or her own issues to deal with, there is a strong chance that a depression victim doesn’t stand a chance as death creeps up slowly but surely.

If you are just in the business of surviving this phase, try to create value by saving one depression victim who may be in your circle right now. It will make your own survivsl more meaningful and give you the genuine satisfaction of having gone beyond your immediate concerns to save a life. 

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