Recent years have seen more and more people, and especially youngsters, taking up Yoga to reach their fitness goals. Yoga is a set of body movements and techniques which aims to increase your fitness levels and flexibility. An ancient form of exercise finding its origins in India, recent times have witnessed its popularity increasing exponentially in the western world as well. And now, it has become every fitness freak’s go to activity during these times where you can’t get out of your homes to hit the gym.
So, here we will be discussing some Yogasanas along with the muscle groups they target and their benefits.
1. Paschimottanasana: This yogasana is normally a stretching exercise which targets your hamstrings, shoulders and vertebral column. If regularly done, it positively affects the flexibility of the individual. It is also known to relieve con
How To Do It? This is a very important question as if done incorrectly, it can do more harm than good. Following are the steps to how to correctly perform this asana:
1.Sit on an even surface with legs outstretched and joined together. Remember, your back should be straight.
2.Then, take a deep breath before bending forward.
3.Then bend forward to touch the toes of your feet. Certain points to be kept in mind during bending forward are as follows:
1.While bending forward, exhale slowly.
2.Don’t bend your knees while bending forward. Stretch your torso as much as possible.
With regular practice, not only you will get very good, but you will also get positive results like improved flexibility.
People who have back problem or face difficulty in bending their backs should refrain from doing this asana.
2. Tadasana: Also known as the mountain pose, it targets knee, ankle and thighs. This asana is also said to be effective in increasing the height of the individual performing it as it stretches the whole body.
How To Do It? First of all, stand straight. Put your feet apart at shoulder level for increased stability while performing the asana.
Then, upstretch your hands over your head and interlock them.
Take a deep breath and stretch your whole body upwards. Support your whole body on your tip-toes stretching upwards as if you are trying to get something from a place at a height above than your upstretched arms.
After that come back to your neutral position while exhaling.
3. Vrikshasana: As the name suggests, this asana mimics the pose of a tree. It is a stretching as well as an strengthening exercise. While it strengthens the thighs, vertebral column, ankle and calf, it acts as a good stretching pose for parts like thighs and shoulders.
How To Do It? This asana requires quite a balance as you need to stand on one foot only. To do this asana, first of all, place one of your feet on the thigh of another foot as shown below.
Then, upstretch both of hands by taking them above your head from the sides. While you are doing this this, inhale slowly. Finally, when your hands reach above your head make a namaskar pose.
Regularly doing this will not only strengthen your legs, but your balance will also improve.
4. Bhujangasana: This is known as the cobra pose. It has a very big role to play in strengthening your spine. Besides this, it is also a great stretching exercise for your chest, shoulders, and throat. It also produces a stretching effect on your stomach.
How To Do It? Lie straight on your stomach. Place both of your palm on your sides and inhale.
While inhaling, push your torso upwards with the help of your arms to the point where you hips are just slightly lifted above the ground. Remember that the body below the hips should not be lifted, and should remain firmly placed on the ground.
Your gaze should be in the front after achieving the pose.
5. Surya Namaskar: This is my personal favorite and I do this on a daily basis. It is not an yogasana rather a set of several yogasanas. It’s literal meaning translates to ‘Salute to the Sun’.
The best part about Surya Namaskar is that it is a jack of all trades within different yogasanas. It does everything- strengthening as well as improving flexibility and balance.
Besides this, it also targets nearly all of the muscle groups and joints in the body.
It consists of 12 yoga poses. When these yogasanas are repeated twice, each for the left and right side of the body, it is considered to be 1 chakra. For optimum benefits, it is advised to perform 3 chakras of Surya Namaskar on a daily basis.
So, let’s have a look at those yoga poses:
1.Pranamasana: The first is the namaskar position. While standing straight, you perform the typical namaskar pose. Breathing should be normal.
2.Hasta Uttanasana: After that, you upstretch your arms and bend your body backwards. This pose is done while inhaling.
3.Uttanasana: This is the third yogic pose. To those who don’t know what Uttanasana is, it can be described as the standing version of Paschimottanasana. This is done while exhaling the air inhaled during the previous posed.
4.Anjaneyasana: Also known as the crescent moon pose. However, in Surya Namaskar, it’s hands down variation is performed. Again, inhalation process is performed during this pose.
5.Parvatasana: This pose mimics the mountain. The hips of the individual are placed as high as possible while supported by both hands and legs. Exhale during Parvatasana.
6.Ashtanga Namaskar: In this pose, only your knees, chest and chin touch the ground. You hold your breath during this asana.
7.Bhujangasana: Inhale during this pose.
8.Parvatasana: Same procedure as earlier.
9.Anjaneyasana: Same procedure as earlier.
10.Uttanasana: Same procedure as earlier.
11.Hasta Uttanasana: Same procedure as earlier.
12.Pranamasana: Same procedure as earlier.
The above mentioned procedure comprises half of a chakra. To complete 1 chakra, repeat the above mentioned steps in the same order, but switch the positions of your hands and feet. For example, if during Anjaneyasana, your left foot was in the forward position, in the next chakra keep your right foot forward.
One of the most important things to keep in mind during performing any yogic pose is to control your breathing and inhale and exhale in a correct manner. This makes doing yoga even more efficient. Also, do it in a correct manner. Incorrect posture can lead to pain in different muscle groups and joints.
With these things in mind, now you are all set to start your yoga journey. Just don’t forget longevity is the key to success. If you want to see some serious results, you need to keep doing it on a regular basis.
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