Hi guys, In this article I am gonna explain everything that you need to know about B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B and other types of business models.
In the Internet world , we constantly face new crafty words and abbreviations. However, most of them look terrifying at first sight only. In fact, the vast majority of these words are simple and logical.

Kinds of ecommerce:
All these E-Commerce types depend on characterization on the nature of the exchanges.

Business to Business (B2B)
Business to Consumer (B2C)
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
Consumer to Business (C2B)
Business to Administration (B2A)
Customer to Administration (C2A)
B2B: Business to Business
This type of websites for business is suitable for the companies that sell products or services to another company, which is an intermediate buyer who then sells the product to the final customer.The sizes of companies, engaged in B2B, can be different – from the smallest to the largest.

An example of B2B web-platform would be a website selling vehicle's components that some auto manufacturer will purchase in order to produce his own product. For instance, among the most well-known B2B websites is the Alibaba B2B Marketplace.

B2B prices tend to be higher than B2C prices. Therefore, B2B buyers tend to need to be well informed in order to make a purchasing decision. Think of finding a logistics partner for importing goods from abroad
B2C: Business to Consumer
B2C is a commercial activity between companies and consumers. It can be a huge supermarket, online store, or even a small branch of a law firm (consulting individuals).

Popular Example of B2C types model can be seen in
Catering, such as fast food networks (McDonald’s or Burger King), cafes, restaurants, diners, bars, pubs, etc.

B2C prices tend to usually be lower compared to B2B prices. As prices rise, B2C buyers have a higher need to be well informed in order to make a purchasing decision. Think of shipping a parcel to Europe from the United States.
C2C: Consumer to Consumer
C2C is a commercial activity between private individuals (consumers). This business model can be implemented directly, as well as through a third-party (mediator).
Classic C2C model Example : if you buy an iPad on eBay from an individual, not an entrepreneur. If you sell a chainsaw to your neighbor, it is also an example of C2C, 

C2B: Consumer to Business
This is a little unusual model of e-commerce. Consumers define (bid) prices on goods and services (offered by businesses) by themselves. Thus, the company is more like a broker, which searches for firms that are ready to sell goods or services for the bid (by the customer) prices
Different Marketing Strategies :

You will need different marketing strategies for B2B vs B2C. Depending on who you want to sell to, you’ll develop a different marketing campaign. As I briefly touched on, B2B clients usually want to be educated. So you have carter informational content towards them. You probably have to “nourish” them before they would buy. That means to build a relationship with them and showing them in which way you add value to their lives.

In the B2C market, education can also be important but the customers are also looking for entertainment. They maybe don’t want to build a close relationship with your brand – sometimes they just want to buy their necessities and be done with it. This will greatly depend on your product
there are more such new abbreviations and definitions like:
G2G (Government-To-Government) 
B2G (Business-To-Government)
G2C (Government-To-Citizens) 

I hope this blog was helpful.
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