The Covid tragedy is scarier than you may think


The Covid pandemic can best be compared to the layers of an onion. Every time we remove one the next one is before us, and like the onion there is no end product or lasting solution. An onion is all about layers and layers only and nothing new or different till the end, there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow just as there is no light at the end of this tunnel.

When we zoom in on just one of us who died of Covid, we often fail to see another 10 or 30 or 40 who suffered due to his or her untimely death. Some emotionally, some financially and some psychologically. The devastation is not just the passing away of one precious life but the simultaneous ravaging of others in the land of the living. Now multiply that with the numbers on your TV screens of casualties and only then can you truly appreciate the magnitude of the tragedy inflicted upon the world by some madcap warlord(s) from China.

Coming to the pandemic itself, scientists and doctors are grappling with an enemy with no face, no shape and no clear symptoms of manifestation to go by. It is a shape shifting virus which mutates, reshapes and reappears even as it seems to disintegrate to keep on killing with guile-like a super villain in a macabre horror movie. Hence, the wave phenomenon. Wave 2 is here and now the thought of a possible wave 3 is enough to chill the blood in our veins. Add Black fungus, White fungus and other latent gremlins waiting to finish the job on those who dare to survive.

This my friends, is world war three-make no mistake and you are in the middle of the crossfire- whoever you are and wherever you are.

 #covid #corona #pandemic #china


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